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MenuProps interface


Extends: MenuProps$1


children?React$1.ReactNode(Optional) (optional) allows users to add child elements
disableAutoSeparatorManagement?boolean<p>(Optional) By default the menu will automatically remove MenuItemSeparator components when they are: - the first child - the last child - adjacent to another separator</p><p>...both in the menu's immediate child items and any Fragment or MenuGroup components' children within. This simplifies boolean logic with highly conditional menus so one can not worry about contiguous separators. If you need to disable this functionality, set this prop to true.</p>
maxMenuHeight?string(Optional) (optional) sets the maximum height of the menu setting a max menu height value will make the menu scrollable if the content exceeds the height this is not compatible with nested menus that expand to the left or right of the menu
menuItemsContainerCssClasses?SerializedStyles | string(Optional) (optional) allows users to set additional class names
menuTriggerReact$1.ReactElement & React$1.RefAttributes<any>the component that triggers the menu functionality
placement?MenuStoreProps['placement'] | LegacyPlacement(Optional) (optional) Ariakit placements options for the expandable menu
portalElement?React$1.ComponentProps<typeof Menu$1>['portalElement'](Optional)
testId?string(Optional) (optional) sets the test id attribute
withoutPortal?boolean(Optional) sets whether to use a React portal rendering or not.