Home > @uniformdev/design-system > LoadingOverlayProps

LoadingOverlayProps interface



isActivebooleansets whether to display the loading overlay components
isPaused?boolean(Optional) (optional) if set to true, the animation of the loading indicator is paused false
isTopAligned?boolean(Optional) (optional) aligns the content of the overlay to the top instead of having it centered false
loaderSize?number(Optional) (optional) sets the width and height of the loader 128
overlayBackgroundColor?'transparent' | 'var(--white)'(Optional) (optional) sets the loading overlay background color 'var(--white)'
position?'absolute' | 'fixed'(Optional) (optional) sets the position of the overlay 'absolute'
statusMessage?string | JSX.Element(Optional) (optional) type that sets a text value or React component under the loading icon
zIndex?number(Optional) (optional) the z-index value of the overlay 9999