Home > @uniformdev/design-system > DrawerRendererProps

DrawerRendererProps interface


Extends: Omit<React__default.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'children'>


leftAligned?boolean(Optional) Opens the drawer from left to right false
maxWidth?string(Optional) The maximum width of the drawers. In any CSS length unit (px, rem, %, et al) '100%'
minWidth?string(Optional) The minimum width of the drawers. In any CSS length unit (px, rem, %, et al) '0'
position?'absolute' | 'fixed' | 'sticky'(Optional) Sets the css position value 'absolute'
stackIdstringThe ID of the stack to render. Some drawers need to use the same stack ID to be rendered here
width?'narrow' | 'medium' | 'wide' | (string & NonNullable<unknown>)(Optional) The width of the drawers. In any CSS length unit (px, rem, %, et al). Can't use CSS functions (e.g. calc()) 'medium'
withoutFluidWidth?boolean(Optional) If a drawer in the stack has a specific <code>width</code> prop, and its value is larger than the width of the current stack, the width of the stack will be automatically adjusted to accommodate for that. Set this prop to <code>true</code> to disable this behavior. false