canvas package
Class | Description |
BatchEntry | A single entry in a batch of queued enhancements. |
BlockFormatError | |
CanvasClient | |
CategoryClient | |
ChildEnhancerBuilder | Builds a definition of the enhancers to run on Canvas components to add data from other systems. Note that only the first matching enhancer will be run. |
ContentClient | |
DataSourceClient | API client to make comms with the Next Gen Mesh Data Source API simpler |
DataTypeClient | API client to make comms with the Next Gen Mesh Data Type API simpler |
EnhancerBuilder | Builds a definition of the enhancers to run on Canvas components to add data from other systems. Note that only the first matching enhancer will be run. |
EntityReleasesClient | API client to fetch entity across releases |
LocaleClient | API client to enable managing project locales |
PreviewClient | API client to work with Uniform Project Preview entities |
PromptClient | API client to make comms with the Next Gen Mesh Data Source API simpler |
RelationshipClient | |
ReleaseClient | API client to enable managing project releases |
ReleaseContentsClient | API client interact with release contents |
RouteClient | Resolves a route using Uniform Project Map and Uniform Redirects, returning a composition, redirection, or not found result. |
UncachedCanvasClient | |
UncachedCategoryClient | |
UncachedContentClient | |
UniqueBatchEntries | Given a batch of enhancements containing potentially duplicate entries (i.e. several components referencing the same thing), group them together by some unique identifier and enable simpler batch processing. |
WorkflowClient | API client to enable managing workflow definitions |
Function | Description |
bindVariables({ variables, value, errorPrefix, handleBinding, }) | Binds variables to a string that could have variable values in it. Variables are referenced in the string as $} |
bindVariablesToObject(options) | Binds composition variables to an object whose string keys may have variable expressions in them. Binding is recursive. |
compose(input, composers) | Composes several enhancers into a synchronous chain. Can be used to modify the output of an enhancer. NOTE: only the first enhancer in the chain may use batching (completeAll()). |
convertEntryToPutEntry(entry) | Converts a content entry to a put content entry body that has only the properties expected to the PUT API. Removes things like author, stats, etc. |
convertToBindExpression(binding) | |
createBatchEnhancer({ handleBatch, shouldQueue, limitPolicy, }) | Creates an enhancer that batches up all enhancements for a composition into a set of promises, and then handles them all in a single batch. Used to reduce the number of HTTP requests needed to fulfill layout enhancements when a layout uses many resources from other systems. |
createCanvasChannel({ listenTo, broadcastTo, }) | |
createDynamicInputVisibilityRule(dynamicInputs) | Creates a visibility rule that evaluates based on the value of a dynamic input. |
createDynamicTokenVisibilityRule() | Creates a visibility rule that evaluates based on the value of a dynamic token. |
createLimitPolicy({ throttle, retry, limit, }) | <p>Creates a request limit policy that can be passed to Uniform API clients to limit concurrent requests and handle retries and rate limits</p><p>Limiting vs Throttling: - Throttling controls how quickly new promises can be started. This is generally what we want for API rate limiting, but it does not care how many promises total are in flight. - Limiting controls how many promises can be in flight at once. This is important when retries are involved because retries are not subject to throttling, and this can result in heavy promise loads.</p> |
createLocaleVisibilityRule(currentLocale) | Creates a visibility rule that evaluates based on the current locale. |
createQuirksVisibilityRule(quirks) | Creates a visibility rule that evaluates based on the visitor's quirks. |
createUniformApiEnhancer({ apiUrl }) | Creates an enhancer based on an API route. This is mainly used to create an enhancer for Contextual Editing, which can be passed to the <code>contextualEditingEnhancer</code> prop of <code><UniformComposition /></code>. |
createVariableReference(variableName) | |
enhance({ composition, enhancers, context, onErrors, }) | Applies enhancer functions to a component tree. IMPORTANT: the input composition object is mutated. Plan accordingly. Want immutability? Grab immer :) |
escapeBindExpressionDefaultValue(defaultValue) | |
evaluateNodeVisibilityParameter({ parameter, ...evaluateGroupOptions }) | Evaluates the visibility of a node based on the visibility criteria in the parameter. |
evaluatePropertyCriteria({ baseValue, conditionalValues, keepIndeterminate, ...evaluateGroupOptions }) | NOTE: function mutates the conditionalValues input parameter when <code>simplifyCriteria</code> is passed for max performance. If you want immutability, wrap it in immer. |
evaluateVisibilityCriteriaGroup(options) | Evaluates the visibility of a criteria group. |
evaluateWalkTreeNodeVisibility({ rules, showIndeterminate, context, }) | <p>Function to call to evaluate visibility rules when traversing the node tree with walkNodeTree.</p><p>If the function returns false, that means the current node is removed and you should stop any other code handling.</p> |
evaluateWalkTreePropertyCriteria({ rules, node, keepIndeterminate, }) | <p>Function to call to evaluate conditional properties rules when traversing the node tree with walkNodeTree or other traversal tool. This function will perform a simplification of the conditional property values, removing known-non-matching conditions, and for authoritative matches the match value replaces the <code>value</code> property, clearing the conditionals.</p><p>Automatically also evaluates localizable conditional values.</p><p>NOTE: this function may mutate its input object for maximum performance.</p> |
extractLocales({ component }) | |
findParameterInNodeTree(data, predicate) | Walk a Composition or Entry tree to find parameters or fields based on the predicate returning true |
flattenValues(data, options) | |
flattenValues(data, options) | |
flattenValues(data, options) | |
flattenValues(data, options) | |
flattenValues(data, options) | |
generateComponentPlaceholderId(randomId, sdkVersion, parent) | |
generateHash({ composition, secret, }) | |
getBlockValue(component, parameterName) | Gets the typed value of a block parameter or block field |
getComponentJsonPointer(ancestorsAndSelf) | Returns the JSON pointer of a component based on its location |
getComponentPath(ancestorsAndSelf) | |
getDataSourceVariantFromRouteGetParams(params, defaultPreviewState) | |
getEffectivePropertyValue({ property, conditionIndex, locale, strict, greedyLocaleMatching, }) | Resolves the effective value of a property given a locale and/or condition index |
getLocalizedPropertyValues(parameter) | <p>Get the localized values of a component parameter or a field attached to an Entry, Block or Asset.</p><p>The values are returned as a Map where the key is the locale, or undefined for the non-localized parameter.</p> |
getLocalizedPropertyValues(parameter) | |
getLocalizedPropertyValues(parameter) | |
getNounForLocation(parentLocation) | |
getNounForNode(node) | |
getParameterAttributes({ id, component, placeholder, isMultiline, }) | Returns the attributes needed to annotate a Uniform parameter for inline editing. Supports only text parameters at the moment. |
getPropertiesValue(entity) | Gets the object holding the properties (fields or parameters) of an entry or component instance If no properties are defined, returns undefined. |
hasReferencedVariables(value) | <p>Checks if there are Uniform variable reference expressions in a value. Returns the number of variable references found.</p><p>This differs from <code>parseVariableExpression</code> in that it only returns the count of variables found, not all tokens.</p> |
isAddComponentMessage(message) | |
isAllowedReferrer(referrer) | Checks if page is opened from inside Uniform Canvas Editor. So if you open preview in incognito or via copy/paste link, it will return false. |
isAssetParamValue(value) | A fast, non-exhaustive guard which checks that the value is an array as well as the first item, if there is one, looks like an asset item |
isAssetParamValueItem(item) | A fast, non-exhaustive guard which checks the required structure of an asset item |
isComponentActionMessage(message) | |
isComponentPlaceholderId(id) | |
isContextStorageUpdatedMessage(message) | |
isDismissPlaceholderMessage(message) | |
isEntryData(entryData) | Check to see if some generic composition data structure looks like Entry data |
isLinkParamValue(value) | A fast, non-exhaustive guard which checks that the value looks like a link param value |
isMovingComponentMessage(message) | |
isNestedNodeType(type) | Any types which hold an array of nodes and therefore should be iterated over as child nodes |
isOpenParameterEditorMessage(message) | |
isReadyMessage(message) | |
isReportRenderedCompositionsMessage(message) | |
isRequestComponentSuggestionMessage(message) | |
isRootEntryReference(root) | When walking a node tree, is the node the root node and look like Entry data |
isSelectComponentMessage(message) | |
isSelectParameterMessage(message) | |
isSuggestComponentMessage(message) | |
isSystemComponentDefinition(componentType) | Determines if a given Canvas component type is a system-defined type |
isTriggerCompositionActionMessage(message) | |
isUpdateComponentParameterMessage(message) | |
isUpdateComponentReferencesMessage(message) | |
isUpdateCompositionInternalMessage(message) | |
isUpdateCompositionMessage(message) | |
isUpdateContextualEditingStateInternalMessage(message) | |
isUpdateFeatureFlagsMessage(message) | |
isUpdatePreviewSettingsMessage(message) | |
localize(options) | <p>Localizes a composition or entry that may contain: * Structural localization with localization components (locale specific layout) * Property localization with localizable property values (translations)</p><p>The result will contain only parameters and localizations that match one of the input locales. Information for other locales will be discarded in the result.</p><p>NOTE: this function mutates its input object for maximum performance. If you desire immutability wrap it in immer.</p><p>NOTE: this function is only necessary when content has been fetched in more than one locale from the Uniform API. If a locale was provided to the Uniform API, the content will already be localized in the desired locale.</p> |
mapSlotToPersonalizedVariations(slot) | Converts components in a slot into personalized variations (based on each component's intent tag in Canvas) suitable to pass to a personalize component Useful when implementing custom personalization settings for Canvas components. |
mapSlotToTestVariations(slot) | Converts components in a slot into test variations (based on each component's Context tag in Canvas) suitable to pass to a personalize component Useful when implementing custom test settings for Canvas components. |
parseComponentPlaceholderId(id) | |
parseVariableExpression(serialized, onToken) | Parses an expression that may contain Uniform variables and invokes a callback for each text or variable token found |
walkNodeTree(node, visitor, options) | Walks a composition's content tree, visiting each component in a slot or block parameter/field depth-first, in order. |
walkPropertyValues(property, visitor) | <p>Visits all property values in any locale or any condition The value provided is a strict value. See getEffectivePropertyValue() for more details.</p><p>NOTE: conditional values are visited in reverse order, which makes them safe to delete during iteration.</p> |
Variable | Description |
ASSET_PARAMETER_TYPE | This is the type value for the asset parameter or field |
ASSETS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_URL | The _source for any assets which have manually set fields |
ASSETS_SOURCE_UNIFORM | The _source for any assets coming from the Uniform Asset Library |
bindExpressionEscapeChars | |
bindExpressionPrefix | |
CANVAS_BLOCK_PARAM_TYPE | Parameter type for a block parameter |
CANVAS_DRAFT_STATE | Constant for a draft composition state. Subject to change. |
CANVAS_EDITOR_STATE | Constant for editor composition state. |
CANVAS_ENRICHMENT_TAG_PARAM | Public ID of the Uniform Context enrichment tag parameter on Canvas components |
CANVAS_INTENT_TAG_PARAM | Public ID of the intent tag parameter on the Canvas personalization component type |
CANVAS_LOCALE_TAG_PARAM | Public ID of the locale parameter on Canvas components |
CANVAS_LOCALIZATION_TYPE | Public ID of Canvas localization component type |
CANVAS_PERSONALIZATION_PARAM | Public ID of the Uniform Context personalization parameter on Canvas components |
CANVAS_PERSONALIZE_TYPE | Public ID of Canvas personalization component type |
CANVAS_PUBLISHED_STATE | Constant for a published composition state. Subject to change. |
CANVAS_SLOT_SECTION_TYPE | Public ID of Canvas slot section component type |
CANVAS_TEST_TYPE | Public ID of Canvas A/B test component type |
CANVAS_TEST_VARIANT_PARAM | Public ID of the Uniform Context test variant parameter on Canvas components |
CANVAS_VIZ_DI_RULE | ID of the dynamic input visibility rule |
CANVAS_VIZ_DYNAMIC_TOKEN_RULE | ID of the dynamic token visibility rule |
CANVAS_VIZ_LOCALE_RULE | ID of the locale visibility rule |
CANVAS_VIZ_QUIRKS_RULE | ID of the quirks visibility rule |
CanvasClientError | |
EDGE_CACHE_DISABLED | A value that indicates that Edgehancers caching is disabled |
EDGE_DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL | Default value for Edgehancers Cache TTL (in seconds) |
EDGE_MAX_CACHE_TTL | Maximal value for Edgehancers Cache TTL (in seconds) |
EDGE_MIN_CACHE_TTL | Minimal value for Edgehancers Cache TTL (in seconds) |
EMPTY_COMPOSITION | Contextual editing empty composition, used as a placeholder while waiting for the composition to be send by the editor. |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_COMPONENT_END_ROLE | The value of "data-role" in the component end <code><script></code> tag |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_COMPONENT_START_ROLE | The value of "data-role" in the component start <code><script></code> tag |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_CONFIG_CHECK_QUERY_STRING_PARAM | The name of the query string used to get the config from the preview url |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_EMBED_SCRIPT_ID | The ID of the Contextual Editing script that gets embedded in frontend apps |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_FORCED_SETTINGS_QUERY_STRING_PARAM | The name of the query string used to detect if we are in contextual editing mode |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_PLAYGROUND_QUERY_STRING_PARAM | The name of the query string used to indicate that we want to use the playground for preview |
IN_CONTEXT_EDITOR_QUERY_STRING_PARAM | The name of the query string used to detect if we are in contextual editing mode |
IS_RENDERED_BY_UNIFORM_ATTRIBUTE | The name of the attribute added to the elements rendered by Uniform. Use to allow interacting with them by default in the preview panel |
nullLimitPolicy | |
PLACEHOLDER_ID | The ID we give to placeholder components |
SECRET_QUERY_STRING_PARAM | The name of the query string used to set a secret to protect for the preview mode. This is not configurable at the moment. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AddComponentMessage | |
AssetParamValue | |
AssetParamValueItem | |
BatchEnhancer | An enhancer that queues up promises for each component that needs enhancing, and once all enhancements have been queued handles them all in a batch. Note: this type is adaptable to both ComponentParameterEnhancer and ComponentEnhancer types. |
BatchInvalidationPayload | |
BindVariablesOptions | |
BindVariablesResult | |
BindVariablesToObjectOptions | |
BlockLocationReference | Ancestor location that is in a block on a parameter or field |
BlockValue | Value type of a block parameter or block field |
CanvasDefinitions | Defines single structure to keep all canvas models (used in CLI commands and Starter content generations) |
CategoriesDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/category |
CategoriesGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/category |
CategoriesGetResponse | Shape of the GET response from /api/v1/category |
CategoriesPutParameters | Shape of the PUT request body for /api/v1/category |
Category | Defines a component type that can live on a Composition |
Channel | |
ChannelMessage | |
ComponentDefinition | Defines a component type that can live on a Composition |
ComponentDefinitionDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/canvas-definitions |
ComponentDefinitionGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/canvas-definitions |
ComponentDefinitionGetResponse | Shape of the GET response from /api/v1/canvas-definitions |
ComponentDefinitionParameter | The definition of a component parameter |
ComponentDefinitionPermission | Permission set for a component defintion |
ComponentDefinitionPutParameters | Shape of the PUT request body for /api/v1/canvas-definitions |
ComponentDefinitionSlot | The definition of a named component slot that can contain other components |
ComponentDefinitionSlugSettings | The definition of a composition's slug settings |
ComponentDefinitionVariant | The definition of a component visual variant |
ComponentEnhancer | Defines logic to add arbitrary async data to a component's <code>data</code> property. Used to enhance layout data with information from other platforms, such as private APIs, where the value is not tied to a parameter and is intrinsic to the component itself. |
ComponentEnhancerFunction | <p>A function which is called for each matching component in a composition, which can manipulate the value of a specific key in the component's <code>data</code> property. Used to enhance layout data with information from other platforms, such as private APIs, where the value is not tied to a parameter and is intrinsic to the component itself.</p><p>Note: the configuration of enhancers namespaces component enhancers into a named property on the data object to avoid collisions, thus an enhancer need not worry about merging values with other enhancers, nor which key it has been registered under.</p><p>Return values: TValue - sets the configured key in the component's data value to this value undefined - do not set the component's data key</p> |
ComponentEnhancerOptions | Options passed to a ComponentEnhancer function |
ComponentInstance | Defines the shape of a component instance served by the composition API. |
ComponentInstanceContextualEditing | The type of the component instance in contextual editing mode. |
ComponentInstanceHistoryEntry | A historical version of a composition |
ComponentInstanceHistoryGetParameters | The GET response from /api/v1/canvas-history (history for one composition) |
ComponentInstanceHistoryGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/canvas-history |
ComponentLocationReference | Ancestor location that is in a slot on a component |
ComponentOverridability | Defines how a component on a pattern may have its values overridden |
ComponentOverride | Defines the shape of a component override |
ComponentOverrides | Defines a set of component overrides by component ID |
ComponentParameter | Defines an editable parameter on a component. |
ComponentParameterBlock | Parameter which stores blocks of entry types |
ComponentParameterConditionalValue | |
ComponentParameterContextualEditing | The type of the parameters in contextual editing mode. |
ComponentParameterEnhancer | Defines logic to replace the value of a component parameter with arbitrary async data. Used to enhance layout data with information from other platforms, such as CMS, commerce, indexing, etc, where that data is directly expandable from a parameter value. |
ComponentParameterEnhancerFunction | <p>A function which is called for each component parameter in a component tree, which can manipulate the value of the parameter. Used to enhance layout data with information from other platforms, such as CMS, commerce, indexing, etc.</p><p>Return values: TValue - replaces the original parameter value with this value undefined - do not change the original parameter value null - sets the parameter value to null, replacing any existing value (i.e. if its value could not be resolved in an external system)</p> |
ComponentParameterEnhancerOptions | Options passed to a ComponentParameterEnhancer function |
CompositionDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/canvas |
CompositionFilters | |
CompositionGetByComponentIdParameters | |
CompositionGetByIdParameters | |
CompositionGetByNodeIdParameters | |
CompositionGetByNodePathParameters | Defines exact parameters for specific requests getting a single composition |
CompositionGetBySlugParameters | |
CompositionGetListResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/canvas when <code>component</code> or <code>slug</code> are not specified |
CompositionGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/canvas |
CompositionGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/canvas when <code>component</code> or <code>slug</code> params are specified |
CompositionGetValidResponses | All valid response types |
CompositionPutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/canvas |
CompositionResolvedGetResponse | Response as it comes from |
CompositionResolvedListResponse | |
CompositionUIStatus | |
ContentType | |
ContentTypeField | |
ContextStorageUpdatedMessage | |
ContextualEditingComponentReference | |
ContextualEditingValue | Value type of contextual editing parameter used with RSC CANVAS_EDITOR_STATE |
CopiedComponentSubtree | Format of a copied subtree of a composition that can be pasted elsewhere |
DataDiagnostic | Diagnostic data about the load performance of attached composition datas |
DataElementBindingIssue | An error while binding a dynamic token from a data resource to a component parameter (i.e. a missing property in the data resource) |
DataElementConnectionDefinition | Defines a connection to a dynamic token on a data resource. |
DataElementConnectionFailureAction | The action to take if the dynamic token cannot be resolved - t: TOKEN: Removes the failed dynamic token value, leaving the rest of the property value, if any, intact [default] NOTE: if the _only_ value in the property is a dynamic token, the property value is removed (as with 'p' below) NOTE: if the _failureDefault_ property is also set, that default value will be used instead of removing the token. this only applies when the failureAction is 't' or undefined, the default is otherwise ignored. - p: PROPERTY: Removes the entire property value, including any other dynamic tokens or static values in the property - c: COMPONENT: Removes the whole parent component or block that contains the property. NOTE: If a 'component' failure occurs on the root component of a composition, or on an entry, it is treated as an 'a' failure because removing the root means we must remove all. - a: ALL: Fails the whole entry or composition. This will result in the item returning a 404 from APIs, and being removed from API list responses. |
DataElementConnectionFailureLogLevel | How to report when the dynamic token cannot be resolved - e: ERROR: Report an error message (this will prevent publishing) - w: WARNING: Report a warning message [default] - i: INFO: Report an info message (failure is expected/normal, i.e. optional data) |
DataResolutionConfigIssue | Error in data resolution configuration (internal error) |
DataResolutionIssue | Types of issue that can occur when fetching composition data |
DataResolutionOption | Switches for data resolution |
DataResolutionOptionNegative | |
DataResolutionOptionPositive | |
DataResolutionParameters | |
DataResourceDefinition | Defines a data resource, which is a named JSON document, usually from an API response, which may be projected onto parameters |
DataResourceDefinitions | Data definitions attached to this component. The property name is the key of the data in the data document. Note: data definitions are inherited from ancestors at runtime (and may be overridden by descendants that use the same key). |
DataResourceIssue | An error that occurred fetching a data defined on the composition or a pattern within |
DataResourceVariables | Variable values for a data resource. |
DataSource | |
DataSourceDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/data-source |
DataSourceGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/data-source |
DataSourceGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/data-sources |
DataSourcePutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/data-source |
DataSourcesGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/data-sources |
DataSourcesGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/data-sources |
DataSourceVariantData | |
DataSourceVariantsKeys | |
DataType | |
DataTypeDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/data-types |
DataTypeGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/data-types |
DataTypeGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/data-types |
DataTypePutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/data-types |
DataVariableDefinition | |
DataWithProperties | |
DeleteContentTypeOptions | |
DeleteEntryOptions | |
DismissPlaceholderMessage | |
DynamicInputIssue | An issue that occurred while binding dynamic inputs to composition data resources, specifically when an expected dynamic input did not have a value. |
EdgehancersDiagnostics | Diagnostics about edge request processing |
EdgehancersWholeResponseCacheDiagnostics | |
EditorStateUpdatedMessage | |
EnhancerContext | |
EnhancerError | |
EntityReleasesGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/entity-releases |
EntityReleasesGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/entity-releases |
EntriesGetParameters | The GET response from /api/v1/entries |
EntriesGetResponse | |
EntriesHistoryGetParameters | The GET response from /api/v1/entries-history (history for one entry) |
EntriesHistoryGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/entries-history |
EntriesResolvedListResponse | |
Entry | |
EntryData | |
EntryFilters | |
EntryList | |
EvaluateCriteriaGroupOptions | |
Filters | |
FlattenProperty | |
FlattenValues | |
GetContentTypesOptions | |
GetContentTypesResponse | |
GetEffectivePropertyValueOptions | |
GetEntriesOptions | |
GetEntriesResponse | |
GetParameterAttributesProps | |
InvalidationPayload | |
LimitPolicy | |
LinkParamConfiguration | |
LinkParameterType | |
LinkParamValue | |
LinkTypeConfiguration | |
Locale | A locale definition |
LocaleDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/locales |
LocalePutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/locales |
LocalesGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/locales |
LocalesGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/locales |
LocalizeOptions | |
MaxDepthExceededIssue | |
MessageHandler | |
MoveComponentMessage | |
NodeLocationReference | |
NonProjectMapLinkParamValue | |
OpenParameterEditorMessage | |
OverrideOptions | Defines the shape of a component override |
PatternIssue | An error that occured resolving a pattern that is referenced on the composition |
PreviewPanelSettings | |
PreviewUrl | A release definition |
PreviewUrlDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewUrlDeleteResponse | The DELETE response from /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewUrlPutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewUrlPutResponse | The PUT response from /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewUrlsGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewUrlsGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/preview-urls |
PreviewViewport | A preview viewport definition |
PreviewViewportDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/preview-viewports |
PreviewViewportDeleteResponse | The DELETE response from /api/v1/preview-viewports |
PreviewViewportPutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/preview-viewports |
PreviewViewportPutResponse | The PUT response from /api/v1/preview-viewports |
PreviewViewportsGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/preview-viewports |
PreviewViewportsGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/preview-viewports |
ProjectMapLinkParamValue | |
Prompt | |
PromptsDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/prompts |
PromptsGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/prompts |
PromptsGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/prompts |
PromptsPutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/prompts |
PropertyCriteriaMatch | |
PropertyValue | |
PutContentTypeBody | |
PutEntryBody | |
ReadyMessage | |
RelationshipResultInstance | |
Release | A release definition |
ReleaseContent | An entity that has been added to a release |
ReleaseContentsDeleteBody | Body options for DELETE /api/v1/release-contents |
ReleaseContentsGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/release-contents |
ReleaseContentsGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/release-contents |
ReleaseDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/releases |
ReleasePatchParameters | The PATCH request body for /api/v1/releases |
ReleasePutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/releases |
ReleasesGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/releases |
ReleasesGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/releases |
ReleaseState | The states a release can be in. Ready, merging, or archived releases cannot be altered. |
ReportRenderedCompositionsMessage | |
RequestComponentSuggestionMessage | |
RequestPageHtmlMessage | |
ResolvedRouteGetResponse | A route API response with edgehancer composition result |
RichTextBuiltInElement | |
RichTextBuiltInFormat | |
RichTextParamConfiguration | |
RichTextParamValue | |
RootComponentInstance | Defines the shape of the root component in a composition |
RootEntryReference | |
RootLocationReference | Ancestor location that is the root of a composition or entry |
RouteDynamicInputs | |
RouteGetParameters | The GET response from /api/v1/route |
RouteGetResponse | |
RouteGetResponseComposition | |
RouteGetResponseEdgehancedComposition | GET response from when result is a composition |
RouteGetResponseEdgehancedNotFound | GET response from when result is not found |
RouteGetResponseNotFound | |
RouteGetResponseRedirect | |
SelectComponentMessage | |
SelectParameterMessage | |
SendPageHtmlMessage | |
SpecificProjectMap | |
StringOperators | |
SuggestComponentMessage | |
TreeNodeInfoTypes | |
TriggerComponentActionMessage | |
TriggerCompositionActionMessage | |
UpdateComponentParameterMessage | |
UpdateComponentReferencesMessage | |
UpdateCompositionInternalMessage | |
UpdateCompositionMessage | |
UpdateContextualEditingStateInternalMessage | |
UpdateFeatureFlagsMessage | |
UpdatePreviewSettingsMessage | |
VisibilityCriteria | |
VisibilityCriteriaEvaluationResult | true: criteria group is true false: criteria group is false null: criteria group has clauses which are indeterminate with the current rule-set |
VisibilityCriteriaGroup | |
VisibilityParameterValue | |
VisibilityRule | |
VisibilityRules | |
WalkNodeTreeActions | |
WalkNodeTreeOptions | |
WorkflowDefinition | |
WorkflowsDeleteParameters | Shape of the DELETE request body for /api/v1/workflows |
WorkflowsGetParameters | Query parameter options for GET /api/v1/workflows |
WorkflowsGetResponse | The GET response from /api/v1/workflows |
WorkflowsPutParameters | The PUT request body for /api/v1/workflows |
WorkflowStage | |
WorkflowStagePermission | |
WorkflowStageTransition | |
WorkflowStageTransitionPermission |